news of the day...

In jamaica.....
Väldigt intressanta saker händer tydligen...trooo mig, I got love for Jamaica, men hur kan ett u-land, som dessutom är ett av världens farligaste och fattigaste, ha detta som en av huvud nyheterna i tidningen?
Det går över mitt förstånd, men underhållande är det  =)

"Mek dem gwan cause nuh baddi nuh betta dan yardie," an exotic dancer told reporters recently as she scoffed at the idea that Haitian dancers were helping to increase business at a particular night club, as was reported by the club's owner.

Said to be part of the guns for drugs trade illicit operation, these women are also reportedly coming into Jamaica after paying hefty price tags that go up to US$1,600 just to be able to dance in Jamaican clubs.

Jamaican dancers have been more than disgruntled, claiming the Haitians are undercharging and robbing their customers. Dancing duties for which Jamaican dancers charge J$2,000, go for J$700 with the Haitian exotics. Nervous that the Haitians are attacking their livelihood by attempting to "take over the turf," Jamaican dancers have been not only become outspoken towards their competition, they are also slamming into the men who patronize them saying they will never get anything better from the Haitian women.

No physical conflict has taken place, but the tension is high, with some clubs reporting that the Jamaican dancers sometimes opt against even sharing the same stage with the Haitians. Besides the Jamaicans' attempts to dance even more sensually, the Haitians get the biggest applause and the most attention.

Och så kommentarer till det också:

"big up de JA girls dem but dem fi know seh Sometime man get curious and would love fi try a different girl from a different country"

Är det inte underhållande? =)



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